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Choosing the correct size of subway tiles

Posted by Mike Belk on Jun 08, 2022

Choosing the correct size of subway tiles
What Size Subway Tile For Kitchen Backsplash? Do you want to add a special touch of design to your kitchen remodel project that can also save you money? If so, you may need to be careful with the  tile selection for your kitchen backsplash. Read on to learn just how important it is that you take the time to choose your next tile set! It seems as though there are a million things to consider when planning to put together your sweetest kitchen. Tile is one of those things that can
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Will Glass Subway Tile Go Out of Style

Posted by Mike Belk on Jan 24, 2020

Will Glass Subway Tile Go Out of Style
Do Glass Subway Tiles ever go out of style? A familiar feature in many homes, may they be vintage or modern, is the use of glass subway tile. It is a rectangular, brick-like, usually polished tile that is commonly used in kitchens, bathrooms, and powder rooms. Its appearance is reminiscent of the tiles used in subway stations during the 1900s. From its first launching to the present, the glass subway tile remained to be a classic in residential design. However, with the vast sele
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15 Ways to Use Subway Tile in Your Kitchen

Posted by Mike Belk on Mar 30, 2018

15 Ways to Use Subway Tile in Your Kitchen
Check out these 15 ways to use subway tiles in a kitchen backsplash design. It's easy to guess how subway tile got its name. The subway, right? Right! Back in 1904 George C. Heins and Christopher Grant La Farge designed the classic rectangle. It was first used on the walls of the New York City subway. Over one hundred years later the popular design element resides in kitchens, bathrooms, businesses, and public spaces around the world. Its popularity shows no signs of slowing down. In fact
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The Subway Tile Cover Up

Posted by Mike Belk on Apr 14, 2017

The Subway Tile Cover Up
Subway Tile – What You Should Know In regards to tiles, there are a number of options to choose from. The selection of the tile today is nearly endless. With the majority of tile designs provided on easy-to-install sheets, you might have a totally new look in your house in almost no time in the slightest! Ceramic tiles are available in almost any shape you like. Ceramic tiles are durable and provide a selection of options with respect to colors and designs. Architectural tile is among
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BELK Tile receives Best of Columbus Award

Posted by BELK Tile on Sep 19, 2015

BELK Tile receives Best of Columbus Award
BELK Tile is among a very small group of companies that have won the Best of Columbus Award for four consecutive years. This distinction has qualified BELK Tile for the 2015 Columbus Business Hall of Fame. To commemorate your inclusion in this elite group an exclusive Hall of Fame Award, available only to Hall of Fame inductees, has been created.
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Glass Subway Tiles

Posted by BELK Tile on Jun 12, 2015

Glass Subway Tiles
Ѕubwау tіlе оrіgіnаtеs аs еаrlу аs thе 1900's whеn а rесtаnglе shареd tіlе wаs usеd іn thе subwау sуstеms оf Νеw Yоrk.. Аlthоugh thе hіghlу dеtаіlеd аnd vаrіеd murаls thаt lіnеd thе wаlls оf thе subwау tunnеls hаd sеrvеd аs trаvеlеrs' lаndmаrks tо tоurіsts аnd nаtіvе Νеw Yоrkеrs аlіkе, іt іs thе brісk раttеrn оf сеrаmіс subwау tіlеs thаt hаs bееn mоst іnfluеntіаl оn thе tіlе dесоrаtіng wоrld. Тhіs sіmрlе уеt еlеgаnt dеsіgn еlеmеnt wаs оrіgіnаllу ехрrеssеd usіng сеrаmіс tіlеs іn thе Νеw Yоrk Ѕ
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