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Which Tiles Matches Which Kitchen Cabinets?

Posted by Mike Belk on Jun 01, 2020

Which Tiles Matches Which Kitchen Cabinets?

For your kitchen to have a cohesive look, all the decor and fittings should blend. This includes kitchen cabinets and floor tiles. If you're not an interior decorator, you might find it challenging trying to figure out which ones would look the best. Follow our guide to a beautiful kitchen.

5 Things to look for when choosing which tiles match witch cabinets:


Your floor tiles are often used to balance the color in the rest of the kitchen. So if you have light-colored kitchen cabinets and dark tops, then a dark floor would provide a balance. If your kitchen has multiple shades of one tone or color, then choose tiles that pick up the darkest color of the cabinets.

Don't be restricted to traditional forms of decor. You can have white floors and white cabinets, with a few colored or textured tiles scattered throughout. If your kitchen is large and it feels cold, use darker colors on the floor to warm up the area.

Which Color tile to match cabinets?

Choose Your Style

When selecting your floor tiles, try to coordinate them with your current cabinets. Slab style cabinets work best with floor tiles that have narrow grout joints. Solid wood kitchen cabinets need a floor tile, such as slate or tiles that are decorated. You can get tiles that look like wood or fabric and can give your kitchen a unique look.

If you like a retro look, try starking white cabinets and tiles with a stainless steel finish. Your personal style will influence your decision when you choose, as well as the cabinets. If a certain look feels right, then go with your gut. The kitchen is a personal space, and it should reflect your heart and soul.

Match your Tile Style to your personal style

Size of Tiles

The size of your tiles is influenced by the style of cabinets you have. Sleek modern kitchen cabinets look great with over-sized tiles, while antique style kitchens look better with a smaller tile and some variety in color.

A well-styled kitchen doesn't have tiles that break up the floor too much as it can draw the eye away from the rest of the kitchen. Small spaces will benefit from larger sized tiles, making the kitchen look bigger and less cluttered.


Flooring can come in different textures and a variety of materials. Besides  choosing a style and color, you can add to the overall charm of your kitchen with various tiles. Some of the material used is ceramic, cork, wood, vinyl, laminate, and bamboo, to name a few.

Do some further probing into any that strike your fancy, so you know what kind of upkeep is required as some of these unique tiles require high maintenance to keep them looking good. These come in various colors and sizes; you should work out your budget and decide which ones you want to buy.

Choose your materials to your taste and preference

Other Ideas

A new trend in kitchen design is to contrast the cabinets and the flooring. You would match your cabinets to the countertops, and use the floor as a contrasting piece. An example would be white cabinets, with black countertops and dark wood floors.

Another color idea is to coordinate the floor with the tops and cabinets, which will act as a secondary color. Take a few moments to consider your lifestyle, if your kitchen is busy with lots of people and pets passing through, find tiles or flooring that don’t scuff or chip, and that’s quick and easy to clean.

Final Thoughts

The kitchen is the heart of the home for most families. Sharing stories around a delicious meal creates unforgettable memories. You can look up lots of decorating tips, but at the end of the day, create a space you love and will enjoy by coordinating tiles and cabinets how you want to.

Mike Belk Author BELK Tile

By Mike Belk

Founder & CEO

A graduate of Ohio State University with an MBA in Business, Mike Belk has been in the tile and stone industry for over 20 years. Mike is the owner and founder of Belk Tile. He has become one of premier tile experts in the nation. Not only does Mike love every aspect of his job, he strives ensure your experience is the very best. He runs a successful blog and, when not immersed in the world of tile, is an avid golfer and wine maker. Mike enjoys interacting with customers and wants to hear from you today.