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Green Glass Tile Backsplash Ideas

Posted by Mike Belk on Jan 30, 2016

Green Glass Tile Backsplash Ideas
Glass tile is elegant, easy to clean, and is the perfect choice for homeowners who take pride in their kitchens. Green, a relaxing and revitalizing color, lends a fresh look to any room. Consider these three kitchen design ideas for a green glass tile backsplash. Pair your  green glass tile backsplash with natural elements. A green backsplash perfectly complements a kitchen inspired by the outdoors. Install bamboo or butcher-block countertops, frame windows with wo
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Glass Subway Tiles

Posted by BELK Tile on Jun 12, 2015

Glass Subway Tiles
Ѕubwау tіlе оrіgіnаtеs аs еаrlу аs thе 1900's whеn а rесtаnglе shареd tіlе wаs usеd іn thе subwау sуstеms оf Νеw Yоrk.. Аlthоugh thе hіghlу dеtаіlеd аnd vаrіеd murаls thаt lіnеd thе wаlls оf thе subwау tunnеls hаd sеrvеd аs trаvеlеrs' lаndmаrks tо tоurіsts аnd nаtіvе Νеw Yоrkеrs аlіkе, іt іs thе brісk раttеrn оf сеrаmіс subwау tіlеs thаt hаs bееn mоst іnfluеntіаl оn thе tіlе dесоrаtіng wоrld. Тhіs sіmрlе уеt еlеgаnt dеsіgn еlеmеnt wаs оrіgіnаllу ехрrеssеd usіng сеrаmіс tіlеs іn thе Νеw Yоrk Ѕ
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The Unique Uses of a Glass Tiles

Posted by BELK Tile on Apr 30, 2015

The Unique Uses of a Glass Tiles
A glass tile is made of pieces of glass formed into different shapes. It is popular because of its versatility. This type of tile is stain-resistant, mildew and allergens. You can wipe and clean it easily. It is also used as a floor tile and wall tile to cover surfaces and sliding doors with the help of glass liner bars. Some even use this in roof surfaces to allow light to enter the room. Glass is permeable, making it ideal for internal and external facing of buildings. This is advisable
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Easy Cleaning for the Busy Person

Posted by BELK Tile on Mar 14, 2015

Easy Cleaning for the Busy Person
Home decorating is a very complicated process. Everybody has his own opinion about it. This makes it even more difficult because what one may think is perfect may not be the same to another. At the same time, this is also what makes home decorating so great. There is no limit to it. It can literally be anything that a person thinks about. One of the places that people love to decorate is the kitchen. There is a reason why people call it the heart of the house. It is where people
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Beauty and Durability in One

Posted by BELK Tile on Aug 03, 2014

Beauty and Durability in One
When people think about decorating their kitchen, changing their backsplash tiles is usually not the very first thing that enters their mind. Most of the time when people install backsplashes, they just leave it as a solid color like white or black. They do not bother making it look pretty because it is going to get dirty anyway. The good news is that there is way a for backsplash tiles to look great and still be functional and durable at the same time. It no longer has to be jus
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Glass and Stone Backsplash Tile Design Ideas

Posted by BELK Tile on Jun 17, 2014

Glass and Stone Backsplash Tile Design Ideas
Separately, glass tiles and stone tiles look beautiful in a wall or a backsplash. Together, they create an interesting pattern of colors, shapes, and textures that can liven up any room. Here are three home design suggestions for glass and stone backsplash tile.Use glass and stone backsplash tile to add texture in the bathroom.Most bathrooms are bedecked with ordinary-looking tiles in lifeless colors. But just because it’s the bathroom and that it’s seldom seen by anyone apart from the fam
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