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An Introduction To Metal Tiles

Posted by Mike Belk on Mar 16, 2023

An Introduction To Metal Tiles
The metal used in interior design has become a modern trend that will always stay in style. Metals provide elegance and warmth to any living environment, whether stainless steel, aluminum, brass, or copper. According to the newest interior design and architecture magazines, metals are important in home décor. Metals are popular among designers because of their ability to lend drama and luxury to any space. Our newest stainless steel tile line features a wide choice of colors, des
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Neat Things to do in Your Home with Copper Mosaic Tiles

Posted by Mike Belk on Apr 28, 2017

Neat Things to do in Your Home with Copper Mosaic Tiles
Last Modified: 4th April 2021 The mosaic is an ancient art form. It's been around since the second half the third millennium before Christ. It was used in temples across the ages to depict gods and rulers. The Romans took the artform wherever they went. Down into Africa and up into Great Britain. It's a beautiful artform and it's survived until today. Now, you can have a little bit of history in your home. And it can be done with pretty much any little bit of metal o
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